Monday, December 31, 2012

Goddess/Queen/Woman Quotes

Goddess Quotes
...more of these coming soon too!! 
I've been VERY busy!!

Goddess Attributes:

Another set of graphics I've been creating...
more coming soon! ;)

Goddess Affirmations

One of the new graphics I've been working on...
more coming soon! ;)

Friday, December 21, 2012



Recognize all the beautiful, artistic, creative, wonderful, capable, intelligent qualities 
inside of yourself and let them SHINE!
You CAN do it!
You can do ANYTHING you set your heart and mind on!
Whatever it is....
embrace it and share it with the world.

Point TWELVE: Recognize the Goddess Within

Recognize the Goddess Within

EVERY single one of us is a goddess in our own right.
When you wake up, embrace and own your own beauty from within and without 
then you will KNOW and RECOGNIZE her inside yourself.
SHE is everything that allows you to shine, and bask in your own glory.
Let the goddess out!!!

Point ELEVEN: Be Strong

Be Strong

Have the courage to keep going through whatever trials and troubles life brings your way.
Know that you can handle whatever comes your way.
No matter what you can find a way through it to the brighter side.
Know that you are beautiful, capable and strong and YOU can do it! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Point TEN: Love Yourself

LOVE Yourself

If you don't love you how can anyone else?
YOU have to figure out how to love, accept, appreciate and forgive yourself
for all your positive and beautiful qualities AND all the negative and less than stellar ones as well.
EVERYONE has flaws and imperfections. The point is to keep trying to improve and learn and grow every day and be a better person than you were yesterday!
EVERYONE also has beauty, gifts and abilities to share with the world.
Figure out what yours are and build them up as bright and wonderful as you can!!

POINT NINE: Forgive Yourself

Forgive Yourself

Whatever it is.
Whatever you think you have done wrong or however you think you have failed 
and fallen short of the mark. Forgive yourself, let go of it and move forward.
Try again. Try something new. Keep trying until you DO succeed and excel.
Practice makes perfect and you can't get better if you don't keep trying.
NOBODY is perfect. We are ALL struggling with different issues and trying to better ourselves.
Keep trying and forgive yourself for the mistakes and the set-backs.
They make you stronger and wiser!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Point EIGHT: Accept Yourself

Accept Yourself

Face yourself and own your flaws and imperfections.
It's OK.
NOBODY is perfect.
We are all flawed and imperfect and we make mistakes
over and over again.
It is how we LEARN!!
Learn to accept and forgive that flaws and that they 
DON'T make you worthless or undeserving of anything!
You are vibrant and beautiful and WORTHY or whatever you set
your heart and mind to achieving in life!!

Point SEVEN: Do NOT Compromise Yourself

Do NOT Compromise Yourself
Along with learning to know yourself and your own worth
and being able and willing to stand up for yourself
is the strength and the belief in yourself enough
that you DON'T compromise yourself, your opinions, beliefs and own mind
for those of other people.
You are ENOUGH. be strong and stand proud of YOU.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Point SIX: STAND UP for Yourself

STAND UP for Yourself
If YOU don't do it who will?
YOU have to know who you are and what you stand for and do NOT 
so that you won't let other people manipulate you, guilt you or otherwise push you around.
OR tell you what it is you DO like or want out of life.
If you don't learn to say NO sometimes and assert your own 
thoughts, beliefs and opinions then you shouldn't be surprised by the fact that your friends and family will always assume you will just go along and do whatever it is they want.
Speak YOUR truth, even if your voice shakes.
The more often you have the courage to defend yourself the easier it will become.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Point FIVE: Be TRUE to Yourself

Be TRUE to Yourself

Know, like, accept and appreciate all the things that are YOU.
Know what you stand for and believe in.
Don't allow peer pressure or other people's thoughts and opinions
to stop you or keep you from doing the things that bring you joy.
Life is about finding the passions and abilities that make your own heart and soul SING!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Point FOUR: Respect Yourself

Respect Yourself
If you don't hold yourself in high regard
or any regard at all
then how can anyone else
treat you with the respect and dignity you deserve?
YOU have to learn who you are, what you are worth,
what you stand for and that YOU deserve your own 
self-respect in order to draw lines in the sand for other people to respect.
YOU are worth it.
YOU deserve to be treated with dignity and respect from everyone

Monday, November 26, 2012

Point THREE: Know Your WORTH

Know Your Worth
Because you live, because you breath, because you love and laugh and learn, 
because you strive to be a better you every day, 
because you are HERE, because you are alive,vibrant and REAL
YOU are WORTHY and YOU are WORTH it.
Nothing you could do or have done is bad enough that you are NOT worthy of love, friendship, compassion and forgiveness and DEFINITELY worthy to receive it from YOURSELF first!
KNOW what you are WORTH and 
NEVER allow YOURSELF or any other person to sell you short!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Point TWO: KNOW Yourself

Know Yourself
It is important and valuable to try new things and learn 
what you like and don't like
what you want and don't want
what you stand for and what you don't
how you feel and who you are.
When you KNOW your own self you will not be
pressured, guilted or manipulated into doing things that go against your SELF.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Point ONE: Like Yourself

If you don't like yourself then how can you expect other people to?
YOU must recognize and realize all the aspects of YOU.
Learn to accept and embrace them and BE who you are.
When YOU like yourself you will not apologize for what other people
don't like about you and understand that whatever it is and whatever they say
is usually because they are seeing some part of themselves they don't like.
WHATEVER flaws and imperfections you have CANNOT be so bad.
KNOW that you are beautiful and valuable as you are, whether you are imperfect or not.

Psssssttt...(little secret).....NOBODY is perfect.
You are beautiful.
You are more than OK.
Give yourself a break!
It's probably been a long time since you did and I'm sure you deserve one!!
Learn to LIKE yourself already!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I AM Something

Poem from my 365 Days of the Written Word blog.

a boy who didn't get
what  he wanted
told me 
"You think you're something?
YOU are nothing!"
I didn't bow down to him
or kneel at his feet
in supplication
or defeat
I stood
for myself
and I am HAPPY
that I did
because the TRUTH
of the matter is this:
worthy of being treated with
and respect
worthy of being
and cherished
of whomever and whatever I want
if THEY don't see it
or understand it
is NOT my problem
and I will NOT forget

Inside of YOU

Poem from my 365 Days of the Written Word blog.

the power 
inside of YOU

inside of YOU

inside of YOU

the strength
inside of YOU

inside of YOU

inside of YOU

inside of YOU

inside of YOU

inside of YOU

inside of YOU

inside of YOU

inside of YOU

inside of YOU

inside of YOU

the queen
inside of YOU

the goddess
inside of YOU

the angel
inside of YOU

the unbreakable spirit
inside of YOU

your voice
inside of YOU

everything you truly NEED
inside of YOU


Poem from my 365 Days of the Written Word blog.

it breaks my heart
watching you
high and low
in ever other person
for approval
for acceptance
for love
only because
I have come to know
and understand
throughout my own
that all of that
comes from inside

Saturday, March 24, 2012


You are the best person you can ever be in this life.
Each of us have unique and wonderful 
abilities, gifts and talents.
STOP trying to be like someone else and BE yourself!
Let all that you are SHINE!
Not only will it be good for YOU but it will give others the 
boost of confidence and courage they need to be themselves too!
Be YOU...God created YOU for a reason and
there is no one else like you so don't waste the gifts and talents 
HE gave YOU...
BE the best YOU that you can be!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I am beautiful and strong. I give enough love, attention and time to myself
that I have plenty of energy, time, attention, love and compassion
to give to everyone else as well.

I stand up for myself and do NOT compromise myself,
my values or my virtues for anyone else.
I am responsible for my own choices and happiness
and I am the queen of my own life.

I Shine With My Own Light

EACH and EVERY one of us has a light of life and joy and passion inside us.

It is up to you to find whatever thing it is that lifts that joy up and out of you

and SHARE it with the world!

We all have gifts, talents, abilities and dreams.

Whatever YOURS is should be followed, used, shared, chased down and built up!

FIND it and follow it through until you:


I Have Dignity, Pride, Decency and Compassion

I am decent.

I am fair.

I am loving.

I am REAL.

I can be proud of myself and my accomplishments in life.

I have passion.

I am compassionate.

I respect myself.

I have dignity.

I treat everyone including MYSELF with respect, dignity, decency and compassion.

I AM Strong

We must know that we are STRONG and capable of handling ANYTHING.


"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

Often we find out by going THROUGH something that we thought we could NOT handle
and surviving it that we have a LOT more strength inside us than we knew.

Many situations in life are like this.
The point is to KNOW that you can handle anything life can throw at you and continue to EXPLORE, LEARN, GROW, TRY and FOLLOW your own dreams.

Be BRAVE because YOU are STRONG!

I Love Myself in Order to Love Others

If you don't show love to yourself
how will you ever have the energy and emotion to show it to others?
If you don't give yourself time and attention occasionally
you will not be mentally, emotionally and physically well and whole and happy
and then able to share love and attention with others.
It is IMPORTANT to take SOME time for yourself.
Whether it is five minutes a day or one whole day a week (or month)
depending on your busy schedule just make some time for yourself.
Take a long bubble bath and recharge.
Stay in bed and read a book.
Curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and watch a chick flick.
WHATEVER it is that gives you some quality quiet time to yourself for rest, relaxation or just reflection on the past few days,
YOU deserve some love and attention
just as much as EVERYONE you are usually giving all of your time and attention to!

I Forgive Myself for Mistakes

A parent forgives their child for a wrong doing.
A brother forgives his sibling for some petty grievance.
A sister forgives her sibling for a stolen boyfriend.
A best friend forgives her friend for a lie.
A child forgives their parent for "magical stories".
A husband forgives his wife for an affair.
A wife forgives her husband for gambling their rent away.
Children forgive their drug addicted parents when sobriety is reached and repentance owned.
A friend forgives a friend for a perceived transgression.
A mother forgives her daughter for becoming an alcoholic and wasting her life in a bottle.
Many transgressions, sorrows and horrors are forgiven EVERY DAY.
WHY can't you forgive YOURSELF for whatever thing it is that you have done?
You are HUMAN, like any of us and you make mistakes.
Allow YOURSELF healing.
Forgive yourself and let it GO.
Move ON!
YOU deserve forgiveness too.

I Accept Myself and MY Own Flaws

Part of healing and letting go of the pain and moving ON
is acceptance of our own flaws and imperfections.
Accepting allows us to recognize that we ARE no different than anyone else and that we ALL have faults, flaws, imperfections, and weaknesses.
We ALL make mistakes but we can be forgiven and move forward.
Accepting allows you to CHANGE the things you CAN change
and acknowledge things you can't change as PART OF YOU.
There is always room for improvement and growth for ourselves AND for others.
You would accept and forgive their flaws and imperfections so
WHY can't you do the same thing for YOURSELF?
YOU deserve acceptance TOO!

I Do NOT Compromise Myself

If you believe in something NEVER compromise it to please someone else.
YOU are equally entitled to beliefs, ideas, feelings and opinions about EVERYTHING.
Sometimes we can feel threatened or afraid to speak our own voice
but it is necessary to SPEAK.
"Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes."
How beautiful is that?
In the end the only person you hurt when you compromise yourself
(especially when the reason is not to hurt them) IS yourself.
Be BRAVE and STAND strong and firm for whatever it is that you believe in.

I Stand Up for Myself

When faced with situations where you feel manipulated, used or controlled
STAND UP for yourself!
Don't let people push you to do things you really don't want to do
or that compromise your own beliefs or feelings.
If your family and friends really love you they will come around
to understanding when something is important to you.
If they don't, they aren't really LISTENING to you are they?
IF you really believe in it, don't give up!
There comes a time in life for whatever reason that SOMEONE stands against us on a cause, idea or decision and the reason IS so that we can stand up for ourselves,
that we can KNOW deeply and understand just how much a part of us our choice was, how important, how vital and how much we will RISK to obtain it or reach it!
It is ok! It is part of the journey and it happens for EVERYONE.
We ALL have to learn sometime that we CAN fight for something we believe in
AND that doing so can be worth EVERYTHING!

I Am TRUE to MY Own Heart

BE true to your own heart.
Be TRUE to yourself.
FOLLOW your dreams.
Follow the FLOW of YOU.
Take the time to find out what the flow of you IS.
Try new things.
Find your passion.

I Respect Myself and Others

I must first learn to respect myself and then I will also respect others.
If I don't respect myself in the first place WHY would anyone else bother?
WE have to set the standards we expect people to reach in their dealings with us
and NEVER settle for less.If we don't respect ourselves and it shows in the way we present ourselves and take care of our appearance and in our demeanor
then what we will be expressing to the world is that we don't CARE and they will NOT either.
SHOW YOURSELF respect and dignity and other people will also.
GIVE respect to other people and you will earn it as well.

I Know What I Am Worth

NEVER settle for less than you are worth.
NEVER let people (this includes family, friends and significant others) take advantage of you.
NEVER allow them to control you or manipulate you out of fear or guilt.
YOU must learn and KNOW that you are a valuable human being
with your OWN voice, opinions, ideas, feelings and needs and ALL of them are equally as valid as anyone else.
YOU deserve to be loved and treated decently and with respect.
NEVER accept anything less.

I Know Who I Am

It is important to know who you are and what you stand for in life.
To know what you like and what you don't like.
To know what you will fight for and what you don't care about...
so won't.
To know what you want and what you don't want 
in any area of your life means
you have to try different things and explore different areas of life.
Sometimes going outside of your comfort zone.
Sometimes you will find something you THOUGHT 
would be unimportant to you will become something that inspires your PASSION and brings you JOY.
YOU must DARE to find out, DARE to know who you are.

I LIKE Myself

It is a journey and a process for many of us
to find ourselves and learn to accept ourselves
flaws and imperfections and all.
We MUST do so.

I had a little wall plaque once that said it all.
It always made me think of my father and I'm proud of the life lessons I learned
from both he and my mother about honesty and integrity and who I am.
The poem always served as a reminder.
The poem on the plaque read:

The Man In The Mirror

If you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day
Then go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what that man has to say

For it isn't a man's father, mother or wife
Whose judgement upon him must pass
The fellow whose verdict counts most in his life
Is the man staring back from the glass

He's the fellow to please, never mind the rest
For he's with you clear up to the end
And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If the man in the glass is your friend

You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass
But your final reward wil be heartache and tears
If you've cheated the man in the glass

It's a poem that has served me throughout my whole life

and all I can say is that it's TRUE.

YOU are the person you have to live with at the end of all things

so if you DON'T see someone you LIKE in the glass

perhaps it is long overdue time for some CHANGES.




Animated Quote

Felt in the Heart

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Stand On Your Own

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Simply BE

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13 Points of Queendom (14) abilities (1) Abraham Maslow (1) accept yourself (1) acceptance (3) Alan Cohen (1) Alice Walker (3) Amberle (1) Anais Nin (3) Anna Quindlen (1) Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1) appreciated (1) appreciation (1) Audre Lorde (1) BE (2) be a lioness (1) be at peace (1) be ready (1) be strong (1) be true to yourself (1) be yourself (1) beautiful (1) beauty (4) believe (3) best thing (1) blossom (1) body (1) center (1) change (2) character (1) claim your space (1) closure (1) compassion (2) compromise (1) confidence (2) courage (3) creativity (1) crown (1) curves (1) cut the cords (1) daughters (1) decency (1) destiny (1) Diane Mariechild (2) dignity (2) do not compromise yourself (1) dreams (3) Edith Wharton (1) Eileen Caddy (2) Eleanor Roosevelt (2) Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1) embrace change (1) embrace the phoenix (1) embrace your inner goddess (1) embrace your power (1) Emily Bronte (1) Emily Dickinson (3) enough (2) equality (1) face the truth (1) faith (1) fall in love (1) find (1) find yourself (1) fire (1) Flavia (2) follow your heart (1) follow your muse (1) forgive yourself (1) forgiveness (2) free (1) friendship (1) Gail Sheehy (1) gifts (1) girl (1) glow (1) goddess (43) Goddess Affirmations (44) Goddess Attributes (19) good (1) grace (1) growth (1) Hafiz of Persia (1) hand you hold (1) happy (1) Happy Easter (1) Happy Mother's Day (1) happy people (1) healthy (1) heart (2) Helen Keller (2) holiday greetings (3) honest (1) honesty (1) I AM a QUEEN (38) I am ME (1) I CAN (1) inspire (1) integrity (1) intelligent (1) International Women's Day (1) Irish Blessing (2) James A. Michener (1) James Gates Percival (1) James McNeill Whistler (1) John Milton (1) joy (1) joyful (1) kindness (1) know your worth (1) know yourself (1) learn (1) Les Toil (19) light (5) like yourself (1) little girls (2) Louis L'Amour (1) love (10) love yourself (2) Lucretia Mott (1) Margaret E. Sangster (1) ME time (1) Morgan Torva (1) Mother Teresa (1) never give up (1) new choices (1) new day (1) no fear (2) not a power trip (1) note to self (1) nurture (1) open heart (1) optimism (1) peace (2) Pearl Bailey (1) poem (4) poetry (5) Point 1 (1) Point 10 (1) Point 11 (1) Point 12 (1) Point 13 (1) Point 2 (1) Point 3 (1) Point 4 (1) Point 5 (1) Point 6 (1) Point 7 (1) Point 8 (1) Point 9 (1) positive (1) possibilities (1) power (4) pride (1) queen (58) quiet (1) quiet touch (1) quote (25) quotes (42) raise hell (1) reach a goal (1) recognize the goddess within (1) respect (3) respect yourself (1) responsibility (1) Ruth Gordon (2) Sarah Ban Breathnach (1) seek (1) self (15) sensuality (1) sexy (1) share knowledge (1) Sherry Larson (1) shine (1) shine with your own light (2) something (1) spanish proverb (1) speak (1) speak truth (1) speak your truth (1) stand (2) stand up for yourself (1) stature (1) strength (1) sword (1) talented (1) Toil girls (19) tomboys (1) treatment (1) true (1) truthful (1) Valentine's Day (1) valuable (1) Will Rogers (1) William Makepeace Thackeray (1) wisdom (1) woman (46) women (2) work in progress (1) world (1) worth (1) worthy (1) you (3)